Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Speedy Catch Up

Boy am I behind!! Here are the highlights of the past week-o-fun!

Two Fridays ago, Mom and Dad and some of their friends came up and stayed at my apartment to go to the Johnny Lang concert! We pre-gamed, took the subway downtown and partied outdoors for hours jamming to Johnny Lang!! Afterwards, we came back to my apartment and spread out all the way from the living room, to the deck! Imagine seven of us drinking, dancing, and having a good time! It was the best time and I was so happy to host everyone!

Speed up to last Wednesday, the Black Eyed Peas concert... which meant I missed my championship softball game (yes we won, thank you!). The concert was alright, it was my first arena concert in YEARS. The speakers were kind of jacked up to the point where you couldn't hear the words clearly. OH and some "older" people sat all around us telling us to not yell or sing! Um I paid my $20 too and HELLO PEOPLE, YOU'RE AT A CONCERT!! The BEP were encouraging us to sing!!! They are a fun, upbeat, energetic band!!! What were you expecting!? That kind of put a damper on the evening… Should have went to my softball game... damn! I don’t think I’ll do an arena concert again for awhile. I’ll stick to the great outdoors of Darien Lake, thank you!

That brings us to this past weekend where my college best friend married her boyfriend of the last four years! One last wedding drive to Massachusetts! Friday we all got together for mani-pedi’s and then a relaxing swim before the rehearsal dinner. The food was fantastic and Lindsay gave us the prettiest earrings and bracelet to wear with our dresses! Saturday morning we got up early for hair and makeup, and before we knew it the flowers arrived and then the photographer! When the bus picked us up it was real, and before I knew it I was walking down the aisle! It was a very joyous and happy time for me, to not only be part of, but to see my friend happy, in love, and marrying a man that was good to her. She was gorgeous in her dress and hard to take your eyes off of. I cried plenty of times... seeing her walk down the aisle, the vows, my speech, their first dance, their childhood slide show, the father-daughter dance. It got to be disgusting after awhile! Not really, I tried to cry "cutely."

When all was said and done, the evening was magical and perfect. My dress was gorgeous, my bouquet was beautiful, and my hotel room fantastic. My best friend was happy, married and off to her honeymoon in Cancun shortly after! Success!

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