Monday, July 19, 2010

Wine Festival 2010

This past weekend I traveled to the breathtaking Finger Lakes to camp with friends and enjoy the Watkins Glen Wine Festival! Friday night was low key just sitting around the fire, drinking beer and watching the fireworks. Although we still managed to stay up until 3am! Which turned out not to be the greatest idea when the garbage truck woke us up at 7:30am!! BUT we actually were able to walk right into the festival when it opened at 10am because were up and ready since the butt crack of dawn!

I couldn’t wait to get into the festival and start tasting all the wines! Straight to the Red Cat tent we went and tried each wine twice! Actually 3-4 times if you count when we went back in the afternoon!!! And of course we took our pace car ride around the track which I personally love because it feels just like a rollercoaster! We thought it would be a good idea to get that taken care of BEFORE we started drinking!

The highlight of the festival this year was definitely the Brewer’s Garden! At the entrance we were given a little ½ pint taster glass and wrist band with 10 beer tickets. Apparently they don’t let you guzzle beer like they do wine! It was so much fun and little more leisurely standing around drinking a glass of beer rather than ounces of wine one by one.

Before leaving we hit up the Sherriff’s tent to see what our BAC was. You’ll be happy to know I blew a .12 this year! This is probably the liquid strength that helped me walk all the way back to camp carrying two bags of ice! After the festival we hung around our campsite, met some of the neighbors and cooked ourselves dinner. We even got a chance to see some more fireworks! I had an absolute complete blast! It was a fabulous weekend that has left me very tired but I can’t wait to do it again!!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had a great time! wish you could have made it to janny's!!
