Monday, June 28, 2010

Week One!

cre•a•tive –adjective
1. having the quality or power of creating.
2. resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative: creative writing

Wow I can’t believe how fast last week flew by! I was exposed to months of work in just a few short days. Monday started out with lots of introductions and a little confusion for me. The building layout is a windy maze of cubicles, offices, conference rooms and anything else you can imagine! Very confusing! It took me most of Monday morning to remember where the bathroom was! And normally I’m awesome at finding my way around!

To welcome myself and the other “trainee” on board, a few of the higher ups took us to Quaker Lube for lunch. It was my first time there and it was delicious! We even tried their fried pickle appetizers! I bet I could do that with my own pickles, what do you think!?

Back at the office, we were able to participate in multiple meetings, client calls, and brainstorming sessions! And this went on all week! Pretty much any meeting going on we were included. That has been pretty much the “norm” all week and the plan for this week as well! In between meetings we met with my supervisor to go through our trusty training binders. We went over everything from the computer program we will be using to what forms we will need for what project. It’s been a whirlwind and I love it! Everything is new and exciting to me.

No matter what department you hail from, everyone is very busy with work. Last week was learning the different departments of SKM and their functions. I am amazed by the talent we have under our roof. SKM deals with a lot of clients, some big, some small, but who are all uniquely interesting as the next. The work our creative team does to design all the different concepts for our clients is beyond amazing. In just one short week I have seen a wide range of creative material come and go. Some go on with revisions and some go into the trash, never to be seen again. Too bad little creative concepts, we will remember you!

I love my new job. I feel potential seeping out of me. This new way of life feels appeals to me. I can’t wait get more and more involved and throw myself into each and every project. I feel blessed for my new job and to be in such a career-driven environment. Put me in my coach, I’m ready!

On to week two! I can only imagine it will be as wonderful as the first! :o)


  1. Awesome! I'm so happy for you Jamie! You deserve to be happy in your career, you've put a lot of work into it.
