Friday, June 26, 2009

Clam Bake

As all of Western New York knows, we had a downpour yesterday afternoon that was strong enough to wipe out anyone’s outdoor plans after work. The girls and I were planning on attending a Clam Bake in Cheektowaga for $30, where we could eat all the (raw) clams we wanted. They also had unlimited beer and a good band, so we were pretty pumped… until the rain came. But then we had this break through idea: Why don’t we buy Clams and have our own cook out! And that’s just what we did!

Our local grocery store Dash’s (which I personally LOVE) had 50 Littleneck clams for $16.99. We grilled them all at once, and I so involved at watching these little guys pop open that I didn’t even think to take a picture! We ate them in shifts while they were hot, dipping them in a butter, lemon juice & minced garlic concoction! They were DELICIOUS! We also had baked potatoes, corn on the cob and Bud Light to go with them!!

Once we were stuffed, we settled in for a hilarious game of Apples to Apples. If you have never played this game, you need to jump on the band wagon because it can get quite hysterical! It truly is my favorite game ever, and I love nothing more than playing it with a big group of friends!

All in all I’m so happy it poured and “ruined” our plans. Things turned out much better from it! And the evening was gorgeous and HOT! It rain and thundered all around us, but we never ended up with rain! WOOHOO for Clam Bakes!!



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