Monday, May 4, 2009

Puttering & Cleaning Weekend!

Wow what a fantastic weekend! Friday of course was devoted to Happy Hour, but the rest was nothing but puttering and cleaning! Since our hallway is empty due to a paint job, I took the opportunity to sweep up all the stones and salt that has built up. I even got right down on my hands and knees and scrubbed and scrubbed to clean the floors. Now the hallway smells like Mr. Clean, and I love it! :o)

Amongst other cleaning I was able to do some cooking as well. Sunday evening I made two Salmon Fillets with a Teriyaki marinade. After about 5 hours I grilled both, TO PERFECTION, on a cedar plank (which I am loving by the way)! They were to die for and sooooo delicious! As a side dish I steamed some broccoli, cauliflower & carrots in my new veggie steamer! Woohoo!

Sunday morning I went to church and sat through a beautiful service. The Rev. asked if we had a free afternoon to bake cookies for him to drop off to students studying for finals. Since I seem to have acquired the nickname Betty Crocker, it felt only necessary that I live up to the name. Plus I love baking in general so I couldn’t resist! My kitchen turned into a mini assembly line which pumped out over four dozen cookies! Minus the ones I ate, I am able to provide 16 bags of three cookies each to the church. I feel so good about my contribution! And speaking of church participation, I have also signed up to help out with Habitat for Humanity on Saturday! From 9a – 3p we will work on the framing to help build a house! I can’t wait! I will take pictures!

And softball starts this week too! Woohoo!! Cmon Summer!!

1 comment:

  1. That's my kind of weekend! I love to putter and make cookies. I'm so glad you found a nice church!
