I don't know how many of you know this about me... but I'm a snacker! I can sit for hours and eat, thinking only about how delicious my food is... and what I'm going to eat next!
That is why starting tomorrow, I will be on the Flat Belly Diet for the next 32 days. My mother turned me on to it and I'm excited to start! For the first 4 days I need to "jumpstart" my system so it knows change is coming! I have my breakfast and lunch measured out and ready to go in the fridge! Then I will continue for the next 28 days with the healthy eating plan and hopefully lose lots of weight!!! (In the meantime I have tried to satisfy all cravings to get them out of my sytem!)
This diet calls for basically no carbs (as is my diet of choice), no sodas and no salt. As if that didn't sound torteous enough, I'm taking it to the next level and elimating alcohol as well. I am allowing myself two "get out of jail free cards" for previous planned events: 1) Bills vs 49ers (how can you tailgate and not drink!?) and 2) Us girls have signed up for Pub Golf! More details to follow on that one!
So starting tomorrow until 12/17, I will be on a STRICT diet. I'm pretty pumped and have made the decision that I need to make changes in my life to see the changes I want in my body. That my motivation: CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE!!
Although the diet does not call for any work outs, I will continue on my current workout plan, allowing only Wednesday and possibly Sundays for rest.
Any encouragement you could give will be greatly appreciated, espcially as I get more into the diet. I know you're all behind me and I thank you in advance for you support!!
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
You can do ANYTHING when you put your mind to it!! I don't think you could get any more beautiful, but I will be excited to see you at Christmas!!
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