11:18p last night - I'm already in bed asleep and miss a call. When I check my voicemail it's my Mom saying her and Dad wanted to call and wish me a happy new year! They were partying and I was the one fast asleep! hahaha!!
But I had a very restful sleep, waking only to stay in bed and finish reading "To Have and to Hold" by Jane Green. My favorite part was her living in the country in a fixed up old home, gardening, cooking, playing with her dog and finding who she is and creating the life she pictured.
I worked out for about two hours before driving to Barnes & Noble where I stayed for hours walking around. I bought a coffee and asaigo pretzel for thing. Then got a new planner for 2008 that I am very excited for! Not my usual but I think I'll like it more! I looked for a lot of books I had heard of or read about. Sometimes I just need to place an eyeball on stomething or flip it through it to decide if I like it. I'm not a big internet shopper. One book I read about in Shape and looked at was "The Writer's Diet." It had the idea of keeping a dieting journal. Step one was Morning Pages. Write three pages of anything... your life, your thoughts, what you have to do for the day. Anything, as long as it's three pages. Step two was to write down everything you eat and what you were thinking when you ate it. This helps you identify your eating "reason" as it seemed to me. Did you eat because of boredom, stress, love, heartbreak, etc. AInteresting!
I only went $5 over my gift card and I got 3 books (one was Wicked! I'm super pumped), an atlas and a planner! Woohoo! :o)
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
Hope you have a great 2008! Sounds like you're off to a great start! Nothing better than getting a new journal to write in and starting fresh. That book sounds great too. I'll have to look for it.
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