Friday was my holiday Christmas party! It was very nice and it was tons of fun to dress up! Surprisingly I didn't take many pictures, but here is one of my friend Mark and I for your veiwing pleasure!
Saturday consisted of working out and grocery shopping! Oh and I finally returned our cans, 4.5 large garbage bags, and got back almost $20!! The rest of the night I was a slug in front of the TV, watching Christmas movies and working on Wendy's scarf!
(Lisa if you're reading this, I'll be home the next THREE weekends and I would love
to go to that yarn store you mentioned!)
I'm thinking for my next scarf I'll make a brown and yellow striped one that I can show off at Alumni Weekend! :o)
Oh and I also made Chicken Pot Pie, from stratch, for dinner! It was delicious! And speaking of which, there better be some left when I got home! hahaha I also have a mix for us to make Christmas cookies with my mom's old cookie cutters! I'm super pumped! YAY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
I would love to go on Saturday 12/15, but I am busy every other day! They are open till 3 on Saturdays I think, call me!!!!!
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