My weekend consisted of knitting my own scarf! Due to not wanting to do anything all weekend, I propped myself up in front of the TV and knitted away! I started my project Tuesday night, and continued to work on it Thursday after dinner, Friday night, Saturday and Sunday until it was complete! It's beautiful and my quality of work and determination impressed even myself! I'm planning on adding fringe to the bottom to complete the look.
Saturday Night:
The completed product!
The yarn wasn't anything special, just something I picked up at Wal*Mart. I've already promised to do one for my roommate once she picks out her yarn. However, I will take a few days to rest as I must confess my hand is a little crippled and cramped from the last hour or so! But yay for knitting! :o)
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
I am so impressed! Next time you are home we should really go to A Knitters Corner in Medina. Walmart yarn is fine, but believe me a really nice yarn will make it so much more fun!
Good job, it looks beautiful.
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