The third annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk is right around the corner! October 14th is our walk date and hopefully another October surprise storm won't come along the same weekend! I look forward to you all participating again, as this is a cause very dear to my heart.
I hope you will support my efforts by making a donation using my personal online fundraising page. It's safe and simple. All you have to do is click the link below and follow the few easy steps. Last year, 450,000 Making Strides participants raised $45 million ... and they did it one donation at a time. So, whether you're able to give $5 or $500, every bit truly does help.
Hope starts one dollar at a time. Hope starts with me. And hope can start with you. Thank you in advance for any support you may be able to offer.
The American Cancer Society's state fundraising notices can be reviewed at:
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A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
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