Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Hope You Had the Time of Your Life

The Green Day concert was by far the best concert I have seen all summer! Not only did they start early, but they played (and entertained us) for three straight hours!! There were people of all ages there partying with friends, parents, kids, etc. At one point the stage was filled with a whole group of different ages that Green Day had encouraged to climb up there and just dance their freaking hearts out!!

Apart from the great music that made me dance all night, the show itself was entertaining with two different displays of people being pulled from the crowd onto stage. The first was an mid-30’s gentleman who didn’t know any words and kind of made himself look a little foolish, but what was even worse (for him, great for us) is that he was followed by a 12 year old boy who rocked out ALL the lyrics and kept singing verse after verse after verse!!

But not even he was the young wonder of the night!! The leader singer Billie Joe started pulling members out of the audience, one by one, to replace band members. First they found someone to play the drums, second they taught bass cords to another teen, then, the icing on the cake, was Bille Joe bringing up a young girl to play main guitar. The taught her three chords to play, then started up the band and began to sing. And this young girl didn’t miss a beat!!! Billie Joe even had his arm around her at one point singing the lyrics right by her ear!! At the end she got up on a speaker and jumped off, really rocking it out. We were going CRAZY in the crowd!! I could not believe his young girl just ROCKED OUT a Green Day concert!! Then Billie Joe gave the girl his guitar and we all yelled and screamed and cheered even louder!!!

Another one of my favorite parts is them performing the Buffalo Bills “You Make Me Want to Shout” song. They would start it up, do a few verses and then stop playing, just so we’d scream and tease and beg for more!! When they were singing the softer part, and we all got down low, he stopped and teased us again until no one’s knees could hold them that close to the ground anymore!! Being from Buffalo you need to believe that we were all going “buck wild!”

Of course every song was great, every song rocked us out (my knees can prove it from jumping up and down all night) but the best was the finale to “I hope you had the time of your life,” and yes Green Day, we did! Thank you and have a GOOD NIGHT BUFFALOOOO!!!!!!!!

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